October 2 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Additional Information

Refugee Panel Discussion and Multi-Ethnic Community Lunch at Rochester Covenant Church
Rochester Covenant Church will host a panel discussion, “New Neighbors: Now What?” on the topic of refugees and refugee resettlement in Minnesota and the Rochester area at 11 a.m., Sunday, October 7 at Rochester Covenant Church, 4950 – 31st Avenue NW, Rochester (behind Wal-Mart, west of Hwy 52 in NW Rochester).
Presenters include Abid and Janet Rangoonwala, with CRU Inner City in the Twin Cities, Michael Neterer, Minnesota director of Somali Adult Literacy Training (SALT), Arrive Ministries MN, Nathan and Melissa Scheele, area directors in west central Minnesota with SALT/Arrive Ministries, and entrepreneurs, The Camel Milk Company and Darling Clementine, and Kristina Hammell, director of refugee resettlement, Catholic Charities, Rochester. Nursery childcare and learning opportunities for other children will also take place during this time. Following the panel discussion, around noon, the community is warmly invited for an all-community lunch hosted by the Anywaa/Ethiopian congregation of Rochester Covenant Church.
Rochester Covenant Church (RCC) is a community of Christ-followers who are growing to follow Jesus Christ together while furthering the mission of God in the Rochester area and around the world. RCC is part of The Evangelical Covenant Church, a growing multiethnic movement that values the Bible as the word of God, a growing walk with God that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and freedom in Christ. For more information, contact Rochester Covenant Church at office@rochcov.org or 507-289-2990 or go to www.rochcov.org.