Governor Dayton has released his proposed state budget for the next biennium and it calls for overall spending of $42 billion.

 Nearly half the money is for education. Dayton’s plan would spend $109 million on free Pre-K programs for 31,000 four year old children. Dayton says the budget would also increase the per-pupil funding formula by 1 percent over the next two years.

Also included in the budget plan is $100 million in child care tax credits for working families. His administration says the average family would save $429 per year as a result.

House Republicans criticized the proposal for being too big, noting the spending blueprint is 23 percent larger than Dayton's first budget proposal in 2011.

The Minnesota House and Senate will soon begin debating the Dayton proposals.  The legislature is expected to begin making decisions on the spending proposals after the next budget forecast is issued.

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