Political correctness can be an impediment to critical thinking. That's what Jim Walters had to say during Monday's Power of Learning Show with Andy Brownell during Rochester Today on KROC-AM.

Jim visits the KROC-AM studio the fourth Monday of every month to talk about critical thinking and how it can improve our lives.

The focus of Monday's show was on the prevalence of non-critical thinking and some of the factors that impede "mindfulness" in our dialogues about the important issues and challenges facing our nation and local communities. Political correctness made the list, along with what Jim refers to as ego-centric thinking. That includes assuming your opinion is correct and that you're unbiased, which are both factors that can curtail curiosity and the pursuit of the truth.

It's always an interesting show with Jim Walters. You can listen to the entire program by clicking on the play button below.

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